AWAKEN is the opening night film at new Artemis Film Festival...
/AWAKEN is the opening night film at the new Artemis Film Festival celebrating Women in Action films at the Pasadena Laemmle Playhouse 7 on Friday April 24th. The red carpet gala starts at 6:30p. And the opening night screening after the red carpet starts with AWAKEN...then the evening ends with Terminator 3. If you want to see AWAKEN on the big screen...this is the next opportunity in LA. Artemis Festival honorees this year include Linda Hamilton (Terminator 1 & 2), Kristanna Loken (Terminator 3) and Gina Torres (Firefly, Serenity).
Tickets can be purchased at this link here:
AWAKEN is part of the opening night Red Carpet Gala Double Feature block and is $30.